Sunday, February 7, 2010

Why I have failed in the past (and will succeed now!)

So, I went to the gym yesterday to do a step aerobics class. I really do like the people at the gym I go to, but as you can tell, it hasn't done anything for me. I actually weigh more now then I did when I started three years ago. This is why the traditional gym setting hasn't worked for me;

My consistency is on and off. There is no accountability. I work to the level I want (easy) and then I'm done. I don't really know what the heck I'm doing, so I would move from machine to machine and without ever getting any results. I stop going because I don't get results. I don't really change my eating. I also was watching the personal training yest. and they do it right in the middle of the floor. NEVER would I have ever signed up for that because I would find that so embarrassing. I love that Fitness Together is a private space and I don't feel like everyone is staring at me. Working with a trainer pushes me to work at a level I would NEVER work out at alone. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER. Not even close.
So, that is my rambling for today, but I thought that was important to share. I need to learn why I have failed in the past, so I can succeed now. ;0)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

So the good news is...

my fat jeans are loose! I have been soooooo frustrated with my weight because the scale won't budge, but yesterday my jeans were baggy. I had been running around in gym clothes for the last two weeks so I hadn't noticed. I was so excited to start to see some results.

I have also noticed that going through my day to day life has become easier. I am able to whip through my errands much quicker than I had. I am wanting to try different things with my kids like skating and tubing, and I am excited that I am moving more in my day to day life.

So far so good.