Friday, January 22, 2010

The Extreme Makeover has started!

Today I finished my 4th workout at Fitness Together. I have had sessions with Steve, Dorothy and Lisa, all wonderful to work with. I had a lot of fear going into this process. I was worried that working with a personal trainer would be too challenging for me, and that the trainer would be annoyed at my lack of fitness. It is very challenging, but it's a supportive, encouraging environment. I never feel like I am being judged for my weaknesses or made to feel embarrassed by my lack of fitness. The environment is actually a lot more relaxing then the gym because their is so much privacy. So, I learned a lot this week about what working with a personal trainer feels like and it's great. I wish I had done this years ago.


  1. Stay motivated, Kelly, and drink lots of water. I will be cheering you on from Fall River! Working out does nothing but positive things for you - lifts your mood, increases your self-esteem, and improves your's all good :) :) So glad you have the supports around you!

  2. Hi Kelly! We met the night of the interviews and I want to tell you that I am so happy that you were chosen. I can't wait to follow your thoughts and your successes. I am glad to hear that you are embracing your training sessions and your trainers. You will be amazed in time that how many different ways you will benefit from adding fitness into your day. I will be cheering for you both! See you soon. Robin
