Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wine, pizza and cake!!

What a weekend it's been. Saturday night I wanted so badly to relax at home with a couple of glasses of wine, but I decided not to. Mainly because I am still working to get my eating on track and working to get my portions in control. I have made major changes in my diet, and I am really proud of that. So, I skipped the wine and made some flavored tea. Sometimes the tea feels like enough of the treat to do the trick.
Then today I went to a bowling birthday party. Joey (my 9 yr. old) was invited and we all tagged along. Dan (my husband), Alex (my 4yr. old) and myself, grabbed a lane and had a great time bowling. I also packed a snack for myself because I knew there would be pizza and cake. That was really hard to resist, but again, not worth the calories. I had some LF cheese and a banana and was ok. Before EM, I would of had pizza and cake and felt really gross afterwards. I want to start this week feeling stronger, not bloated and tired.
That's all for now. Tomorrow is full body workout and my first massage. I can't wait!!


  1. Hi Kelly! I know exactly what you are talking about, and replacing old habits with new ones is key. You should be proud of yourself. Just an idea, but when I really feel like having a cocktail or glass of wine but decide it's not worth the calories, I drink club soda with a wedge of lemon. It does the trick for me. I could never understand why I would work out every day but carrying too much extra weight in my middle. Sadly, I discovered that alcohol was not really my friend. Enjoy your massage! I'm jealous. Robin

  2. MMMM pizza is so good. Try the weight watchers trick and do a whole wheat crust with extra veggie toppings and no cheese...

  3. Kelly--I am a big fan of yours already. I have watched you work-out, along with your cardio and the stuff you have mentioned above shows huge growth. You have made great gains in such a short time.(keep it going)
